Thursday, October 23, 2008

Curve balls

You never know when life will throw you a curve ball.
Well, on Tuesday, we were thrown a fast one.

Last night, I had trouble sleeping because I kept thinking about the past couple of years. I thought about the different events that lead us to be in this situation today. I kept thinking about the "if onlys" -- If only I knew what was really going on. If I knew, maybe I could have helped prevent this. I thought about the many different things that could have been done and the things that should have never happened. But, I was eventually able to accept the past as past. I figured, you can't control everything and it's never too late to get involved.

Although I feel uncomfortable revealing the nature of my family's problem here... I just feel like this - blogging about it - is a good way to reassure myself that, in the end, things will be okay. It's not the end of the world. We have many options; there are many things we can do. It truly helps to know that I have family and friends I can always count on during times like these; I am truly blessed for having all of you a part of my life. Just pray for us, pray that me and my family can overcome this hurdle and get back on our feet.


Elisha Marie said...

I love you, cousin!

Mae Gagajena said...

Honey, We are all here for you anytime. Family love is unconditional. Know that you are all in my prayers always.

Julie said...

*big hug