Saturday, October 04, 2008

San Diego Zoo!

Today, I went with Mark to the San Diego Zoo.
Believe it or not, it was my first time EVER to go to a zoo.
Yup! I never went as a kid... not even on a school field trip!

The park was huge! We spent the whole day there and we still weren't able to see everything. But, we did see A LOT of animals.
It was definitely a great experience.
I wanna go again!!
That's only a portion of the pictures I took.
There were just so many animals; I couldn't believe it!

Since it was on the way home, we went to the outlet mall in Carlsbad.
And since I like bananas now, I had my first chocolate-covered frozen banana. YUMM!!

Before going home, we ate at BCD Tofu. We ran into Elisha and Andrew. It was bound to happen sometime! hehehe.


Andrew C. said...

haha im glad you had a good time @ your first zoo experience.

and we were bound to run into you at bcd because you know how much your cousin LOVES it :p

Elisha Marie said...

I wanna go to the ZOO!!!